Whether you are seeking or are being asked to pay alimony, we will tenaciously advocate for your interests. Alimony, also known as spousal support, is payment made by one party to support the other when the parties are living separately. Whether or not alimony is made part of divorce decree can depend on number of different factors, including whether one party claims right to support payments and whether the other party has the financial means to make payments. Whether your divorce proceeding is hotly contested or is an amicable split, our lawyer and our legal team are ready and available to help guide you through this process every step of the way.

Alimony & Divorce Lawyers Atlanta | Spousal Support



One party has to specifically request it, and they have to prove the need to receive alimony and the other party’s ability to pay the alimony to be able to receive it. According to Georgia law, “Alimony is an allowance out of one party’s estate, made for the support of the other party when living separately. Even if the divorce is filed on no-fault grounds, which most divorces these days are, the judge may consider the reasons behind the demise of the marriage for the purpose of deciding on alimony. Alimony can be granted permanently (until the party receiving alimony dies or remarries – but that is rare), but more often it is granted for specified period.

Atlanta Alimony Attorney



As defined in Georgia law, alimony is “an allowance out of one party’s estate, made for the support of the other party when living separately. The family law attorneys at The Gleklen Law Firm have decades of experience negotiating, litigating and resolving alimony disputes in Metro Atlanta. If you are seeking alimony in your Georgia divorce, or if you are being asked to pay, The Gleklen Law Firm can help you get result that meets your needs. Typically, when the court does grant alimony, it is only awarded for temporary period to help the former spouse transition to the single life, establish separate household, and obtain necessary education or job training to become self-sufficient.

Alimony | Atlanta Family Law & Divorce Attorney | The Gleklen Law Firm



In divorce in Illinois, alimony, or spousal support is applicable to individuals who need financial support in order to maintain the same standard of living from the other party. As of changes to Illinois law in 2019, the basic formula for the award of spousal maintenance became as follows: 33 percent of the supporting party’s net income minus 25 percent of the receiving party’s net income. These factors can range from the spouses’ ages and health conditions, each party’s contributions to the marriage, past, present, and future earning capacities, and more. If divorce is on the horizon for you and you’re unsure about alimony, from either side, contact me for help and schedule an initial consultation.

Matteson Alimony Attorney | Atlanta | Bell Law Group



The terms alimony, spousal support, and maintenance all refer to the same legal concept, although your lawyer might use them interchangeably. Many people view alimony as an outdated and unfair practice, sentiment deeply embedded in societal views. Frequently Asked Questions About Alimony Alimony is key component of many divorce settlements, but it can also be one of the most confusing. This process may involve acquiring new skills, obtaining education, re-entering the workforce, or becoming financially self-sufficient in other ways.

Atlanta Alimony Attorneys [#1 Voted 2025] Spousal Support Lawyer



Atlanta Alimony Attorneys Experienced Alimony Lawyers in Atlanta, GA and Surrounding Areas Alimony in Georgia refers to ongoing financial support one spouse may provide to another following divorce. While many people think alimony payments are standard in divorce, alimony in Georgia is not awarded as frequently as it used to be. While many people think alimony payments are standard in divorce, alimony in Georgia is not awarded as frequently as it used to be. Buckhead, Atlanta will work with you to determine your expenses, income limits and more, and help figure out what support you might be entitled to, or what support you might be asked to contribute to your former spouse.

Atlanta Alimony Lawyer in Buckhead | Kitchens New Cleghorn | LGBT Law Firm



Alimony, also known as spousal support, is often one of the most contentious issues in divorce. Whether you are the one seeking alimony or you want to limit your liability for alimony payments, it is crucial to understand your rights and the factors that go into alimony decisions. Based in Atlanta, GA, and serving the surrounding communities, the Law Office of Tessie D. Edwards & Associates is committed to providing our clients with up-to-date, comprehensive guidance on all matters related to family law, including the critical area of alimony.

Alimony/Spousal Support Lawyer in Atlanta – Tessie D. Edwards & Associates, P.C.



After divorce is complete, the courts will set specific orders regarding many situations to ensure both spouses maintain the quality of life they had during the marriage. For any couple who is going through divorce, it is crucial to recognize what alimony is, how it is determined, and what factors go into deciding when it can be modified. For instance, if one party is business professional and the other partner stayed at home and made smaller income from an at-home business, the higher-paid business professional is more likely to pay alimony. At temporary hearing or during the final hearing of divorce case, alimony may be requested.

Atlanta Alimony Attorneys – Georgia – Atlanta Family Law Group LLC



Our clients come to us worried about their future, their children, their home, and their finances. When you agree to work with us, we’re with you every step of the way. If you’re ready to move on and build yourself and your children new future, contact us today. Divorce is not just about fighting spouses, broken hearts, and nasty glances.

Alimony – The Edwards Law Group – Atlanta Family Law Firm



It is only natural to worry about one’s financial future, and it is in your best interest to work with an experienced, local law firm that specializes in high-asset cases. We stand by you every step of the way, so you always understand the process and know what to expect. Our offices are conveniently located in beautiful and historic building in Roswell, GA. Copyright © 2025 The Platt Law Firm, Atlanta, GA.

Alimony | Divorce Attorney Atlanta | Platt Family Law Firm | Roswell GA



Depending on divorcing couple’s financial situation during the marriage, one spouse may be required to financially support the other spouse—in the form of alimony payments—during divorce proceedings and, in some cases, after the divorce is finalized. At The Solomon Firm, our Atlanta alimony attorney knows the Georgia spousal support law inside and out, and how Georgia courts are likely to evaluate and decide alimony in any given situation. Georgia law defines alimony as “an allowance out of one party’s estate, made for the support of the other party when living separately. It may be awarded during divorce proceedings and subject to modification when the divorce is finalized, or it may be awarded after the divorce is final for specific time period as way of helping the recipient spouse stay afloat while seeking job training or another means of financial stability.

Atlanta Alimony Attorney

