If you are facing criminal charges, contact our Oxford criminal defense lawyers at Gounaris Abboud to schedule free case review. The award-winning criminal defense attorneys at Gounaris Abboud, LPA, have extensive experience successfully defending those facing criminal charges. If you choose to submit information via chat, email, contact form, text message, or phone call, you agree that an attorney from Gounaris Abboud may contact you for consultation as potential client. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.



Time, energy, and resources have been put into thoroughly investigating hate crimes, and legislation has enhanced the penalties for them. To avoid being charged with hate crime, it is important to understand what actions constitute them and also the criminal punishments if convicted of one. For example, stalking and harassment can include sending threatening emails, voicemails, or text messages to someone. This means that an alleged offender can face 1-3 years in prison and up to $25,000 in fines.



Some of the most serious penalties involve prison time, and conviction always carries the potential for incarceration. Many white-collar professionals need specific certifications to do their job, such as securities license. These penalties often include fines, restitution, and interest payments. If the evidence points to the potential for illegal activity, the evidence can be turned over to law enforcement agencies, such as the Department of Justice, for further investigation.



How much criminal defense lawyer costs will depend on the type of charge you are facing, number of charges, and how complex it is. How much criminal defense lawyer costs will depend on the type of charge you are facing, number of charges, and how complex it is. Attorneys have reputation for being costly, but the reality is legal services are often more affordable than you may think. For any legal problem you confront, look at your lawyer as an investment.



Because our roster of lawyers includes two who are former prosecutors, our firm differs from criminal defense law firms. We understand how prosecutors think, and we use that knowledge to help our clients. common element in any criminal defense practice is DUI (driving under the influence) defense, and we are no different. Because the penalties for drunk driving are increasingly severe, it is important to have knowledgeable Battle Creek DUI lawyer on your side when facing DUI charges.



From criminal charges to injuries, we are committed to helping clients fully understand their situation and find path forward, and we do so by providing quality legal counsel. From criminal charges to injuries, we are committed to helping clients fully understand their situation and find path forward, and we do so by providing quality legal counsel. From criminal charges to injuries, we are committed to helping clients fully understand their situation and find path forward, and we do so by providing quality legal counsel. From criminal charges to injuries, we are committed to helping clients fully understand their situation and find path forward, and we do so by providing quality legal counsel.



You may have heard that in criminal case proof must be beyond reasonable doubt, but this is not criminal case. Another way of saying this is proof by the greater weight of the evidence, however slight. In weighing the evidence, you should consider all of the evidence that applies to fact, no matter which party presented it. After weighing all of the evidence, if you decide that fact is more likely true than not, then you must find that the fact has been proved.



Longwell Lawyers uses trial-oriented, strategic approach, supported by our extensive knowledge, experience, and skill, to maximize our ability to get the best possible outcome. After serving as successful prosecutor for the State of Florida, Mark Longwell founded the criminal defense law firm of Longwell Lawyers in 1993. All of the attorneys and staff at Longwell Lawyers are hand selected based on their demonstrated knowledge, experience, capabilities, professionalism, integrity, and commitment to excellence. Today, Longwell Lawyers has an elite level, top-tier family law team that is exceptionally knowledgeable, experienced, and highly effective.



Contact the Woodbury criminal defense lawyers at Aydelotte Law, LLC for free, no-obligation consultation: 856-386-4892. If you have been convicted of serious crime, which includes crimes such as robbery, murder, or aggravated sexual assault, the crime is not eligible for expungement in New Jersey. If you were convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol, this also cannot be expunged as DUI convictions are considered traffic offenses so expungement does not apply. Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyers Successfully Defend Clients Against Charges Of Property Crime, Theft, Burglary and More In Woodbury and Throughout New JerseyCompassionate counsel.



Fraudulent activity can include attempting to deceive or successfully deceiving another person in such way that they suffer loss, and the perpetrator gains an unmerited benefit. If convicted of felony credit card fraud, you could face up to three years in county jail and fine up to $10,000. If you have been charged with credit card fraud, we can help. This includes learning about your history, the challenges you face, and your version of the alleged crime.



Attorney at Law is criminal defense lawyer serving Mokena, Frankfort, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Forest, Lockport & Joliet. Attorney at Law is criminal defense lawyer serving Mokena, Frankfort, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Forest, Lockport & Joliet. Attorney at Law is criminal defense lawyer serving Mokena, Frankfort, Orland Park, Tinley Park, Oak Forest, Lockport Joliet. When you future and freedom are at risk, these charges should not be taken lightly.



Crimes can be charged as misdemeanors or as felonies, which are more serious. Although this is tough standard, it is critical to retain an experienced criminal attorney in Frisco to present the strongest possible defense. You can face penalties such as incarceration, fines, probation, and more if you are convicted. Sex CrimesSex crimes include rape, sexual assault, indecency with child, child molestation, sexual assault of child, prostitution, child abuse, child pornography, indecent exposure, and public lewdness.



Criminal defense lawyer in Llano County for DWI, drug charges, and violent crime allegations. At the Law Office of Russ Alan Baker, PLLC, our lawyer has been practicing law for over decade and has extensive litigation experience. Contact us today at the Law Office of Russ Alan Baker, PLLC to get the support that you need to secure favorable outcome. Attorney Baker has handled well over 1,000 criminal cases in his career, including more than 300 cases at trial.



Many crimes carry with them significant social stigma and, therefore, the risk of prejudicial treatment and the miscarriage of justice. Offenses related to drug crimes include drug possession, delivery, prescription forgery, and the use of drug paraphernalia. In every event, speed shall be controlled as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle, or other conveyance or object on or entering the highway in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care. Such crimes include the unlawful possession, discharge, of firearm, or other destructive devices.



When facing federal criminal charges, you may feel at the end of your rope. When facing federal criminal charges, you may feel at the end of your rope. You hope never to need the services of a federal criminal defense attorney, but depending on the circumstances life presents to you, you may be accused of federal crimes. These charges not only impact your finances, your freedom, and your reputation, but they also adversely affect your loved ones.



Get skilled guidance for any civil, probate, family law or criminal defense issue from Rhonda J. skillful negotiator and effective litigator, Rhonda has advocated for broad range of clients in family court, mediation, probate issues, personal injury cases and criminal proceedings, as well as civil disputes. Ideally, deceased loved one has left will behind, to expedite smooth estate administration. This ideal is often not the reality, however.



When you need family lawyer or criminal defense attorney in Alabama, turn to Mitzi G. If you are going through difficult family situation such as divorce or child custody battle, can help you. Since am located in the Robertsdale, Alabama, community, am available to my clients when they need me. defend clients charged with all types of crimes, including drug possession or drunk driving.

