If you need DUI lawyer near Atlanta, GA, to help you defend your case, then consider calling (404) 875-1300. While many individuals may consider simply dealing with the consequences, this isn’t always the best idea, as conviction can result in expensive fines, suspended or revoked license, and potential jail time, among other things. The Franco Law Firm is here to assist clients throughout Atlanta, GA, and the surrounding areas. If you’ve been accused of driving while under the influence, there are couple of different defenses available to you.

DUI Lawyer Serving Atlanta, GA | The Franco Law Firm



It’s normal to feel anxious about the repercussions on your license, finances and freedom. We understand that you are already overwhelmed with how you will resolve your DUI charge, so we want to make hiring us as easy as possible. We understand that the cost of hiring lawyer can be overwhelming, That is why in addition to taking all major credit cards we also offer payment plans..

Hiring a DUI Defense Lawyer – Phyllis Law | Atlanta Area DUI Defense



Under Georgia’s current law, if person drives on the highways of Georgia, they have by implication given their consent to submit to blood, breath, or urine test if arrested for DUI charge. Search and Seizure Search is term commonly used to refer to police investigating whether people are carrying certain contraband, or searching person’s vehicle, body, home, or clothing. The issues is that sometimes what they take is not obviously contraband, but is alleged to be by the police. An unreasonable search could be search done without consent, without probable cause, without exigent circumstances, or without warrant.

Constitutional Issues in Atlanta DUI Cases | 4th Amendment



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