Juvenile court proceedings are held separately from adult proceedings, in different courtrooms with dedicated juvenile court judges. Juvenile courts employ strategy of gradually increasing punishments so that the kids before them learn that there are consequences to breaking the law, while still giving them second chance to straighten up their act. In Georgia, if you are over the age of 17 at the time of the alleged crime, then you will be prosecuted as an adult regardless of your alleged crime. If you are 16 years or younger, then your Juvenile Crime will be handled in the juvenile court.

Atlanta Juvenile Crimes Lawyer | Fulton County Criminal Defense



Once the petition is filed, there is hearing. At the hearing, the child can admit to the crime, or deny any involvement in it. If the child admits to the crime, the judge will issue sentence. If the child denies involvement in the crime, trial is scheduled.

Atlanta Juvenile Manslaughter Defense Lawyer



In our juvenile law practice, we represent parents whose children are alleged to be dependent. Miller also serves as juvenile delinquency defense attorney for children under the age of 17 who are accused of committing delinquent acts, which are acts that would be considered crime if committed by an adult. If your child has been accused of delinquent act, it is important to consult an attorney who is familiar with the rules and procedures of juvenile court..

Juvenile Delinquency Attorney Atlanta Georgia – Underage Possession of Alcohol Marietta GA Lawyer



To defend against child neglect or abuse or against juvenile delinquency charges, contact Atlanta attorney Jody A. If you become involved in dependency case or your child is facing juvenile delinquency charges, we can help. If it is alleged that your children have become dependent, you are facing serious allegation..

Atlanta Juvenile Court Lawyer | Georgia Child Deprivation Attorney | Fulton County Child Neglect



After the minor is arrested, prosecutors may go past the juvenile delinquency process and file the case in district court, where adult criminal cases are tried. Ledbetter specializes in civil litigation in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, and possesses vast experience in wrongful death lawsuits. They may also lose educational, sponsorship, or employment opportunities. Traffic offenses: These offenses include reckless driving, speeding, racing, and any felony that occurs while driving vehicle.

Atlanta Juvenile Crimes Attorney – Conoscienti & Ledbetter



EHG Law Firm is here to help protect your child’s future, providing experienced defense for juvenile deliquency charges. Distinguished from the adult criminal justice system, Georgia’s approach to juvenile justice prioritizes rehabilitation over punishment. Potential outcomes of juvenile cases vary, with judges typically opting for dispositions that encourage rehabilitation. In navigating the legal complexities surrounding juvenile offenses, assembling defense team comprising parents and attorneys proves crucial.

Juvenile Defense in Atlanta and Surrounding Areas



Where the juvenile system seeks to educate and rehabilitate, the adult system seeks to punish. If your child was charged with crime — such as defacing school property, possession of marijuana or fighting — you may be worried about the long-term effect this charge will have on his or her life. If charged with one of these crimes, your child is at risk of being prosecuted as an adult..

Atlanta Juvenile Court Lawyers | Burglary, Vandalism, Drugs Attorneys



Children in Georgia can find themselves in juvenile court for misdemeanors, felonies, poor school attendance which is called truancy, and even for certain traffic offenses. While there are many similarities between adult and juvenile court, there are also some stark differences. It is essentially an advertisement, and cannot possibly substitute for the advice of lawyer familiar with the individual circumstances of your case..

Juvenile Crime | METRO Atlanta Juvenile Defense Attorney



Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to helping unaccompanied minors and their families navigate the complex Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) visa application process, ensuring that eligible children can achieve brighter future in the United States. Timelines vary depending on court schedules, USCIS processing times, and unaccompanied minor visa availability. Once classification is approved with the help of our SIJ visa law firm in Atlanta, clients need to navigate the adjustment of status process to obtain lawful permanent residency (a Green Card). Delays in securing court order or filing with USCIS can lead to complications, such as the risk of aging out.

Atlanta SIJ Visa Lawyers | Find Help for Unaccompanied Minors | Quijano Law



One mistake can affect the rest of your life, but it doesn’t have to. mistakes is something to learn from, not something that should jeopardize your child’s future. If your child has been arrested or is facing juvenile charges, it’s normal to be concerned not only with the direction and welfare of your child, but also how the charges reflect on your family and you as parent. With Phyllis Gingrey Collins on you and your child’s side, you can rest assured that every effort will be made not only to keep the situation private, but also to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your family.

Juvenile Defense – Phyllis Law | Atlanta Area DUI Defense



Having criminal record, especially one including felony conviction, can become real roadblock in life. While the first-time offender is available at the time of your conviction, many people are either unaware or unable to obtain the record-sealing. If you would like to learn more about having your record cleared, talk to Atlanta criminal defense lawyer Phyllis Collins in an initial consultation. Know that you can have feeling of confidence when applying for loan, apartment, job or anything else involving background check.

Atlanta Expungement Lawyer | Georgia First-Time Offender Record

