Chicago reported more than 37,000 hit-and-run accidents in 2021 [1], and in 2023, more than half of pedestrian accidents involved hit-and-run driver. In city where the occurrence of hit-and-run incidents is soberingly high, understanding your possible recourse after these types of accidents is absolutely critical. Keep reading to learn more about hit-and-run accidents, why they occur, how our lawyers can help you, and what your potential recourse is after you’re involved in one. When hit-and-run involves personal injury or death, it escalates to at least Class felony, possibly up to Class felony depending on the circumstances, leading to up to 15 years in prison, $25,000 fine, and revocation of your driver’s license. There are no fixed or standard settlement amounts
Chicago Hit and Run Accident Lawyer | Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers…