Trustworthy Bronx, NY Car Accident Attorneys Automobile accidents result in injuries to drivers, passengers and pedestrians. These accidents occur as result of driver negligence, including speeding, alcohol/drugs and failure to pay attention. Various types of automobile accidents include: car accidents taxi/livery cab accidents tractor-trailer accidents trucking accidents bus accidents SUV rollover accidents When involved in an automobile accident, the. Automobile accidents result in injuries to drivers, passengers and pedestrians. These accidents occur as result of driver negligence, including speeding, alcohol/drugs and failure to pay attention. When involved in an automobile accident, the injured party must file no-fault application within 30 days of the accident in order to have their medical bills paid and loss of wages reimbursed. Death benefits: If
Bronx Car Accident Attorneys | New York City Personal Injury Lawyers | NY Car Crash & Car Wrecks Law…