In its unpublished opinion filed on January 15, 2019, the Court of Special Appeals of Maryland (“Maryland Appellate Court”) held: “To the extent that Ms. Toussaint’s CQE [Certificate of Qualified Expert] failed to specifically identify DCH’s unnamed agents who allegedly breached the standard of care, any claim against DCH through those unnamed agents is barred under Dunham. The Maryland Healthcare Malpractice Claims Act (“Act”), codified at Md. Courts and Judicial Proceedings Article (“CJP”), “in general, “governs procedures for all ‘claims, suits, and actions To initiate claim under the Act, “a person with medical malpractice claim [must] first file that claim with the Director of the [HCADRO]. Within 90 days after filing claim with the HCADRO, the plaintiff “must file [CQE]
Maryland Appellate Court Affirms Dismissal Of Medical Malpractice Claims Against Unnamed Agents Not Specifically Identified In CQE – Medical Malpractice Lawyers…