The Wisconsin Legislature created Medical Mediation Panels in 1986 in an effort to provide “an informal, inexpensive and expedient means for resolving medical malpractice disputes without litigation,” providing an early neutral evaluation that may reduce litigation costs by identifying claims without merit as early as possible and by expediting the resolution of those claims that do have merit. Recent experiences with Wisconsin Medical Mediation Panels show that the Panels are increasingly considered to be failures: 410 medical malpractice claims were filed for Medical Mediation Panel consideration in 1987 (the first full year that the panels operated), falling to 161 in 2013. Sixty percent of the 302 medical malpractice claims that were filed for Medical Mediation Panel consideration in 2012 and 2013 expired due to procedural or scheduling problems
The Failure Of Wisconsin’s Medical Mediation Panels – Medical Malpractice Lawyers…