As Medical and Dental malpractice attorneys, as well as other Health Care Professional malpractice attorneys, we know that when it comes to a malpractice lawsuit and the healthcare professional, the effect on your reputation and livelihood can be devastating. Medical malpractice cases are complex and require skilled, experienced representation that comes with a deep understanding of healthcare law and malpractice litigation.…


Free Consultation – Call 415-292-4100 – The Zinn Law Firm helps victims and their families receive compensation for their injuries in Doctor Malpractice and Hospital Negligence cases. $2.5 Million Settlement for Permanent Nerve Injury Caused by Medical Malpractice to Our Physician Client – San Francisco Doctor Malpractice Lawyer…


Medical Malpractice Attorney Terry Cochran and Nurse/Attorney Eileen Kroll – proven experience in medical malpractice law and medical product liability cases
