An Introduction to Medical Malpractice in Humboldt CountyWhen you enter Humboldt County hospital, urgent care center, surgical facility or doctor’s office, you rightfully expect attentive, competent care from trusted medical professionals. If you or someone you love suffered harm under Humboldt County hospital, clinic, doctor or other medical provider’s care, contact us online or call (800) 426-5546 for free consultation and case assessment. Some more frequent issues the Moseley Collins Law team encounters when investigating Humboldt County medical malpractice cases include:Surgical Mistakes – Operating on the wrong body part, leaving foreign objects inside patients after surgery, nicking organs and blood vessels, infections caused by poor sterilization practicesMisdiagnosis or Delayed Testing – Failure to diagnose dangerous illnesses in early stages or order appropriate
Humboldt County, CA Medical Malpractice Lawyer – Hospital Negligence Lawyers | Moseley Collins…