Free Consultation (800) 553-8082 Miller & Zois helps injured victims and their families in personal injury, medical malpractice and wrongful death cases. 15-month-old girl becomes ill with fever, tremors, and signs of disconjugate gaze, which means her eyes are not turning the same way. During the first eight days of her admission to the PICU of Sinai Hospital the girl develops seizures, the cause of which goes undiagnosed. As result of those seizures, her respiratory status is affected. She evaluates the girl in the early evening, at shift change, and does not follow the plan her predecessors developed to remove the tube. While the Defendant doctor is at dinner, the girl dislodges her breathing tube. They allege that the standard
Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy at Sinai Hospital Lawsuit | Baltimore Medical Malpractice Lawyer…